Dear Recruiters,

I cannot hear you. You do not speak my language.

TL;DR; – why I spambox your messages

A while ago, I learned that many business folks speak a different language from me as an engineer. When talking to them about cool technologies, algorithms, and making a legacy built on software, they are trying to figure out how to map that to their world – revenue and expenses. Without talking in their terms, I was losing them in mere seconds.

I bring this up, because it seems most recruiters have an upside down view of how I seek a new full time opportunity.

“Urgent opportunity!”, “Software engineer position in Nowhere, ID”, and “great comprehensive packages” are not what I am looking for.

If you want to speak my language, tell me:

How does this role matter? What kind of people will I work with? Does management have a clear vision of the kind of future they want to pursue? Does the business have sufficient resources to reasonably tackle these problems? How far along in the process are they? What challenges still remain? In short, if I work on achieving someone else’s dreams, it must also fit my own. My dream is that I change the world for the better in meaningful ways for as many people as possible. I specifically want to reduce their suffering and increase their quality of life.

I end with:

“How is your message helping me achieve my dreams?”

Regards, John Goodwin